... sopra un'alberatura di diritti & doveri stendere un tessuto di opportunità & responsabilità è il modo migliore con cui una società può sussistere & progredire ... almeno, a mio modo di vedere... What do you think about ?
giovedì 25 novembre 2010
martedì 26 ottobre 2010
Citizenship in the 21st century…
… means also, in my opinion, empowering individuals & we all with the opportunity 2 be users, providers & entrepreneurs of information. it will stay an unbalanced graph, God willing, with distinguishing knots, therefore far more dynamic & balancing & fair than it has ever been. that's my hope & our commitment, i hope
domenica 17 ottobre 2010
Tell me it isn't the same stuff...
... since i'll tell you that, if you come back again with a pocket of apologies
Is this expectation, trustworthy enough ?
... since i'll tell you that, if you come back again with a pocket of apologies
Is this expectation, trustworthy enough ?
sabato 16 ottobre 2010
Higher social standards could drive economic recovery | EurActiv
Higher social standards could drive economic recovery EurActiv
This may work if higher social standards drive recovery towards higher social & financial standards, in my opinion
p.s. Environment is a social standard
This may work if higher social standards drive recovery towards higher social & financial standards, in my opinion
p.s. Environment is a social standard
giovedì 14 ottobre 2010
venerdì 8 ottobre 2010
Information Society within 21st century - new sonnet
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Seize the day, trusting as fair as possible in the future |
Should we look at information flood, one-way communication as a star, we are like leaves, our mutual ties are branches & social netwkorks are trees. Lieu ties can grow thick as a pinaster, while digital ones can grow thin as willows. Let's wish each other & dedicate our efforts 2 live in bright days & mixed forests
sabato 18 settembre 2010
Information Society within 21st century - a little sonnet
Should we look at broadcasting, one-way communication (information flood) as a star, we are like leaves, our mutual ties are branches & social netwkorks are trees. Lieu ties can grow thick as a pinaster, while digital ones can grow thin as willows. Let's wish each other 2 live in bright days & mixed forests
lunedì 13 settembre 2010
Mentre riordinavo carte e ricordi, oggi per caso mi sono imbattuto in questo viatico di un hotel dove ho soggiornato alcuni anni or sono. Si tratta di un famoso scritto di Max Ehrman, che capita di trovare riprodotto in stampe o pergamene, e mi ha colpito per la sua straordinaria bellezza, pur nella sua semplicità.
Così ho deciso che dovesse impreziosire anche una delle pareti del mio studio, e l'ho appeso accanto ad una fotografia in cornice di un luogo che ho sempre nel cuore.
Ha lasciato loro il posto un vecchio planisfero, una carta di Mercatore regalata molti anni fa a mio padre da un fornitore, e che conservavo su quella parete più che altro per ragioni sentimentali. Su quella carta, erano ancora riprodotti i vecchi confini del mondo, c'era ancora l'Unione Sovietica, così come la Jugoslavia, la Germania era divisa in due e a Berlino a ben guardare si vedeva anche il Muro. Era il ritratto di un mondo che -grazie a Dio, ed alla buona volontà di una moltitudine di persone- non esiste più.
In attesa della prossima carta geografica, che spero un giorno qualcuno regalerà a me, ho pensato che il mio piccolo muro dovesse finalmente concedersi alla speranza di un mondo migliore, che faticosamente stiamo costruendo.
Fatti non foste a viver come bruti, bensì a perseguire virtute e conoscenza... ed a cercare la felicità, ovunque essa sia per noi, il più delle volte innanzitutto in noi stessi.
Spero e penso che un po' di essa ci sia anche nella ricerca... io la chiamo libertà
giovedì 2 settembre 2010
@ http://www.gazzetta.it/Calcio/01-09-2010/uefa-ha-vietato-vuvuzelas-71988796264.shtml
PLEASE, FORWARD @ UEFA : what's wrong about european stadiums ? are they concert halls ? ... i can live with or without vuvuzela during football matches, but i think we can't turn horns into a matter of cultural diversity... it's only about personal taste, a further way 2 share emotions... in my opinion, of course
.......................................... (this is how sound of a censored vuvuzela looks like) ..........................................................
PLEASE, FORWARD @ UEFA : what's wrong about european stadiums ? are they concert halls ? ... i can live with or without vuvuzela during football matches, but i think we can't turn horns into a matter of cultural diversity... it's only about personal taste, a further way 2 share emotions... in my opinion, of course
.......................................... (this is how sound of a censored vuvuzela looks like) ..........................................................
sabato 14 agosto 2010
Archimede, Macchiavelli e l’empatia
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Progetto Archimede - Solar Power |
... mi sorprende sempre quando mi sento ascrivere la presunta astuzia di sostenere una posizione mirando più o meno velatamente ad ottenere un altro obiettivo ...
... la realtà è che quando sostengo una tesi aspiro possibilmente ad ottenere anche un altro obiettivo, e magari, quando sono fortunato, strada facendo ne colgo pure un terzo che all’inizio neanche immaginavo …
... cerco di fare squadra tra idee ed ideali in modo aperto, possibilmente ricorrendo ad un linguaggio moderno che nell'oceano della comunicazione susciti coinvolgimento piuttosto che noia e che in definitiva sia efficace, ma sempre chiaro e trasparente ...
... è normale che i miei ideali, le mie sollecitazioni e proposte, possano o meno essere condivisi, e sicuramente sbaglio più di quanto vorrei, ma sarebbe veramente fuorviante definirmi machiavellico, perché è invece tale solo chi legge in ciò che scrivo esclusivamente i significati che ci vuole vedere, e che a volte nemmeno ci sono ...
... mentre creativo è chi ha la capacità di trarre spunti dalla realtà che lo circonda per costruire realtà nuove …
... ammirevole e saggio infine è colui che ha l’onestà intellettuale di riconoscere le fonti della propria ispirazione, sapere che può insegnare quando avverte di aver sempre ancora da imparare, e la capacità di instaurare sinergici e proficui rapporti per costruire l’uno sulle idee dell’altro…
... e crescere insieme ...
giovedì 29 luglio 2010
Boosting each other digital agenda
Russian government must go digital by 2015 (from RT.com)
All Russian state services must be digitalized by 2015, President Dmitry Medvedev has said. He defined information technologies as one of the key directions for the country’s development.

On Wednesday, the Russian leader held a joint meeting of the Russian State Council and the Presidential Council for the Development of Information Society. On the agenda there were the results of the implementation of electronic government. In addition, the authorities set up the priorities for the development of an information society in 2010-2011.
”I like this topic. I hope you do, too,” Medvedev said, according to the transcript on the Kremlin website.
The head of state reminded that the concept of electronic government development was introduced in May last year.
“You know that, according to the strategy of the development of information society in the Russian Federation, we ought to transfer all the state services into electronic form. I underline – all of them,” Medvedev said.
He said that currently the state provides more than 1,500 services, which, in fact, “looking from a different angle” means “thousands, tens of thousands services”. According to the president, people have to face long queues to make inquiries, or need to turn to several government bodies, and sometimes there is simply a lack of information.
The scheduled time for providing services is yet another sore point, the president said. For instance, getting permission for construction is “the talk of the town”, and takes years.
“It is obvious that introducing electronic services will solve many of these problems,” he said.
Recently, Russia launched a website – http://www.gosuslugi.ru/ – that is meant to solve the problem. It offers citizens the necessary information about the services they often need and what documents they should provide to receive them.
“Today, preparing for this address, I logged surfed that website,” Medvedev said. “It is quite systemic; it contains aggregative kinds of services, it is rather easy to use. But that is it.”
The website does provide information, but does not provide services, he said.
The president named four tasks that must be solved in the near future. First of all, establishing a common approach to providing electronic services, using compatible software, systems and databases.
Second, further development of a legal framework that would meet modern requirements.
The third task is providing better access to the Internet and improving the connection speed. While in Moscow 60% of the population use the web, "in the majority of other regions this figure is 30-35 percent."
The president stressed the need to give special attention to connecting the state health and cultural services to the Internet, "just as we have recently connected all schools to the Internet, we should work the same way."
The fourth problem to be addressed, the president said, is providing enough qualified specialists.
Summarizing the results of the meeting, Medvedev noted that in the regions where authorities are interested in implementing electronic state services, there are positive developments. In the regions where authorities see new requirements as “Christmas tree decorations,” saying that life is difficult enough, “there will be no movement there.”
“Those who do not address this issue demonstrate that they are not able to work in modern conditions,” he said.
domenica 27 giugno 2010
Facebook wing - 25th week of 2010
Soccer is going glocal. FIFA World Cup in South Africa, the first ever in the continent, is a global event by definition and by numbers, and it’s likely 2 stay in history as the global event of the year, as many of the previous editions. When the on-going G8toG20 meeting was set up in Canada –by the way, I hope the Vancouver Olympic Spirit will inspire participants like it inspired me months ago- I guess period and schedule have been arranged taking into account the simultaneous peerless sport event -in terms of most media and people interest, at least. By the way, I think that if we need 2 be wooed a bit 2 follow G-meetings is not such a bad news. Public opinion is a watchdog and a source of inspiration 4 politics, but politics has 2 be attractive 2 be productive, rather than only fashionable. Let’s link up there 4 demanding outcomes.
As the World Cup is such an impressive event, so they are moments it entitles or condemns 2 live. I was shocked and disappointed seeing World Cup Defendant Italian Team knocked out. Bewildered 2 see former World Cup finalists already out of the competition. This is sport –like this or not- and now our glorious tradition has 2 lead itself back 2 the drawing board, 2 try 2 make it glorious again: I appreciated this is happening. At the same time, I was delighted 2 see England gaining the next phase and the USMNT winning their group and going forward, besides other heartily results like those ones. Only 4 a great empathy, love and admiration –to be clear. I don’t believe in any kind of ‘export’ of sports passions, but I do believe society has 2 do its best 2 offer the widest possible range of opportunities 2 its youth, without focusing only on what the majority at a time prefers, and this belief goes beyond sport.
In Italy, soccer is a very popular, beloved sport. We’ve one of the best Soccer Premier League in the world, and just 4 this reason, many great players have been attracted here from abroad. As club team fans, we feel a team tie with these guys who play here, offer us great emotions, all along the regular season. I guess most of us will keep sharing and supporting their walk in the next steps of the World Cup, where they are still running, dressed in many different colours. At the same time, 2 all those who have doubts on the significance and pride of national identity, whose sport is a component, I’m glad 2 suggest: have a look at any country, at this country, at folks, at national flags enlightening the landscape all around, at shirts and mood, and you’ll be answered.
Globalisation has made much more difficult 2 compete in any sport just 4 those countries where just that sport is more fantastic and rooted, and this too goes beyond sport. A plural, social identity empowers us 2 live and enjoy a variety of passions, turning potential conflict into synergy. A non-0-sum approach suggests us not 2 build walls 2 shield our national talents from our same, attractive, well-funded passions, but 2 explore ways 2 invest better on them, and take the advantages of such a straight competition. This is what glocalization means 4 me.
In my opinion, 21st century citizenship 4 truly sports lovers is already a reality we’re confidently accustomed in that habit. Let’s hope and work, wisely and steady, 2 have this kind of perception spread around as fast as this challenging, high-tech age is demanding, and as acceptable as it has 2 be preserved.
p.s. this week I’ve worked around the clock on the look&feel of my social networking. I’ve been dreaming 2 make mass media interactive 4 a long period, since the first time I was deployed at a DVB meeting by my former boss, 11 years ago… After that activity had generally lead 2 great cultural achievements but few realizations, I had no idea I could have found this way, but when I happened 2 go here, I wasn’t afraid 2 try and exploit my cultural background, and now I’m even more convinced 2 get forward. I hope you enjoy how the process and the outcome is taking shape.
p.s.2 this evening (06-25-2010, NdR) I’m joining 2 all those commemorating a great human being, that one year ago has lift 4 the ultimate journey.
This is the last issue of Facebook Wing published on this blog. The Facebook Wing edition is moved on Scribd; you can find the full collection of previous issues and the following ones @ Massimiliano Cane on Scribd
venerdì 18 giugno 2010
The power of now. It’s exciting, amazing 2 move around the world virtually at the speed of light, 2 attend or effectively taking part at events of many different kind, from sport events to movie premiere to news conference or political defining moments or whatever, without the awkwardness of moving, the awkwardness of a physical presence. Media have broadened our perception since many years by now, but they have been offering all but an interactive experience –in technical terms, reminiscence of my former job, they have been offering us the “couch-potato experience”: to be clear, I’ve nothing against this, there are many times I like 2 be a couch-potato, and sometimes I’m relieved not to have 2 be anything more. To be honest, there has been social interactivity even at that time; we could share our impressions and feelings with relatives, neighbours, colleagues, friends, people within our closer group or club, we could write letters or connect to a chat room; and, again, these are activities we shouldn’t of course give up now.
Then social networks arrived, ties blew up across the web and more, and the game changed. Because now we can live the moment, we can make the moment, both at a Ustream webcast, at a YouTube gathering and at events with a much wider participation. A self-integrated multimedia platform nowadays can provide this kind of ‘power’ virtually 2 anyone, since consideration, feedbacks, realization of our pursuits rely only upon our ideas, passion and skills, and step by step we build our identity across the network, that becomes a passport 2 take the stage.
I think this is a great technological achievement, that is getting organized, and a remarkable social change, because it offers new wonderful opportunities 4 growing on each other experience and identity, 4 learning and teaching each other, 4 simply sharing and pursuing our passions. And I think that, like anything new, this change requires 2 mix together pioneering and preparation, speaking and listening, and a responsible approach. The speed of now can be dazzling, and thereof misleading. Excitement can easily turn into euphoria, engagement into frustration, if we don’t take the steering-wheel of our personal trip along this experience, if we don’t evaluate that results can follow defining moments at a speed anytime different, depending even merely on context, if we don’t consider that the awkwardness of real is its delightful completion.
By the way, this week my attention has been dominated by two events: the World Cup and the Spill. The on-going investigation in Congress, together with the efforts 2 fix and refund, keep drawing my eyes and fingers on the keyboard. I’d like 2 do more, I’d like more -something could be already more- had been done before 2 prevent this nightmare.
The World Cup had an amazing opening. Soccer can be emotionally intense even without many scores. Paraguay and Italy male national teams tied, as USA and England did. FIFA care 4 France had not a positive influence. The Germany steam train, as it has been lovingly nicknamed, hasn’t yet found a clear opponent until now… We’re asked 2 be defender and challenger at the same time, as any Champion has ever 2 be, but in the World Cup it’s a very demanding, intriguing role 2 play. USMNT has scored one of the best start as a newcomer in this discipline, among the ones I mentioned at least. There is still a long way ahead up…
p.s. darting 2 the stadium 4 completion… q = m x v (only 4 fans)
Then social networks arrived, ties blew up across the web and more, and the game changed. Because now we can live the moment, we can make the moment, both at a Ustream webcast, at a YouTube gathering and at events with a much wider participation. A self-integrated multimedia platform nowadays can provide this kind of ‘power’ virtually 2 anyone, since consideration, feedbacks, realization of our pursuits rely only upon our ideas, passion and skills, and step by step we build our identity across the network, that becomes a passport 2 take the stage.
I think this is a great technological achievement, that is getting organized, and a remarkable social change, because it offers new wonderful opportunities 4 growing on each other experience and identity, 4 learning and teaching each other, 4 simply sharing and pursuing our passions. And I think that, like anything new, this change requires 2 mix together pioneering and preparation, speaking and listening, and a responsible approach. The speed of now can be dazzling, and thereof misleading. Excitement can easily turn into euphoria, engagement into frustration, if we don’t take the steering-wheel of our personal trip along this experience, if we don’t evaluate that results can follow defining moments at a speed anytime different, depending even merely on context, if we don’t consider that the awkwardness of real is its delightful completion.
By the way, this week my attention has been dominated by two events: the World Cup and the Spill. The on-going investigation in Congress, together with the efforts 2 fix and refund, keep drawing my eyes and fingers on the keyboard. I’d like 2 do more, I’d like more -something could be already more- had been done before 2 prevent this nightmare.
The World Cup had an amazing opening. Soccer can be emotionally intense even without many scores. Paraguay and Italy male national teams tied, as USA and England did. FIFA care 4 France had not a positive influence. The Germany steam train, as it has been lovingly nicknamed, hasn’t yet found a clear opponent until now… We’re asked 2 be defender and challenger at the same time, as any Champion has ever 2 be, but in the World Cup it’s a very demanding, intriguing role 2 play. USMNT has scored one of the best start as a newcomer in this discipline, among the ones I mentioned at least. There is still a long way ahead up…
p.s. darting 2 the stadium 4 completion… q = m x v (only 4 fans)
lunedì 14 giugno 2010
Opening future
Nobody, none alone can tackle the big challenges of our time. Each one of us at a time has pioneered the way towards future. Learning & teaching each other 2 walk together as a choice is the definite leap we can move forward, 2 get the awareness we can be one sole civilization, if we will, living and growing on common values and within cultural diversity: a civilization going 2 take the responsibility 2 be effective, far-seeing managers of our hEarth. This is my opinion, and a shared, embodied hope since centuries, i see
venerdì 11 giugno 2010
Facebook wing - weekly report #23-2010
On the contrary, should you succeed in sharing a sport-like, common values background, empathy can really help 2 face many different issues. That’s my feeling, anyway, and I’ve appreciated a lot meeting myself very frequently, while surfing around this week.
Last week-end, I’ve attended ceremonies 4 the commemoration of the heroic Midway Battle in the Pacific and the end of WWII in Europe. I’ve shared not only a mere hope that one was the last war the world had ever 2 experience; I’ve shared a more challenging wish and commitment that we all, as one humanity, stay on the same side, everyone of us shoulder by shoulder, 4 current and incoming global conflicts, against climate change, hunger and selfish, unsustainable development.
On Monday evening, I empathised with folks at Time Squares (NY), participating in a great event focused on mixed food tastes… with a bit of envy -in that case the empathizing tool doesn’t go far enough… there is still something 2 improve…
This week I was more focused on paperwork than the past ones, but I didn’t forget 2 improve, refresh my math and science background. Fortunately, I found a nice book in my library I read when I was at junior high. It’s about economy, it deals with energy. More or less, it’s said there God has given mankind many gifts: sun, earth, wind, water, feelings and intelligence, and oil. Some of them are provided in an unlimited quantity, others are offered 2 us in a limited amount; some are easy 2 find but difficult 2 exploit, 4 others, it’s the viceversa. I can’t say if these inner qualities are there 2 tell, teach us something; it’s a fact they are, and probably we have 2 consider this more wisely. To make it clear, I’m not talking about any specific spill or a far-off short-sighted energy policy, management…
Yesterday, I shared my appreciation for Californians’ endorsement and adoption of Proposition 14, aiming 2 support more open, straight and productive competition in elections. I support that new “top 2” system, I think it can contribute 2 fix government, and I hope it spreads around 2 help making politics more decisive and closer to 21st century society feels and needs.
Then, I attended the wonderful concert in the Soweto, kicking-off 2010 FIFA World Cup. It was an amazing, stirring event. My twitter storm was very intense, and a bit more fluent than the astonishing one I shared at recent Apple presentation of iPhone4, in San Francisco. When music joins sport many dimensions of our soul feel excited, and since this usually happens 4 having fun and making something good, this probably means we've more good inside we’re often capable of, without these happenings; and this is another thing we should consider wisely.
Well, in the end, should Mr. Mandela be here at the stadium today, and that damn spill be over, I could say this was a positive week…
p.s. sorry 4 publishing today with a bit of delay, I’m somewhere in the South, and meanwhile nosing around what’s competitors are doing…
mercoledì 9 giugno 2010
Facebook wing - weekly report #22-2010

Welcome 2 this second edition of this weekly newsletter, a raw commentary of my main activities during the week, and of the events which most impressed me. First, let me say the positive exploit of the pilot raw-text of this newsletter encouraged me 2 consider a more exhaustive format, which i’m planning 2 offer you late in the season.
For now, thanks 4 your hearty welcome and 4 keeping following this story. Let’s enjoy it.
Last week-end, I stressed my early passion 4 maths and science, going over some books and publications I read years ago, and an interesting scientific programme -made up in an exhilarant manner- that helps facing very harsh topic. As a positive relapse, when few days later I read on newspapers about new discovery on neutrinos and Standard Model, I suddenly caught what the hell they were talking about !
On Sunday, I attended the F1 race in Istanbul; great sport, teams, wonderful city, linking folks along time and space. Hamilton’s victory was amazing and deserved, Red Bull team was –let me say- hit by hard cheese. Very good feelings the whole day, then I went into depth in my historical background in the evening, 2 get ready 4 a challenging week.
On Monday, I attended Memorial Day celebration and the speech by Vice President Joe Biden, who praised and commemorated the sacrifices made by the American people 2 support other people willing 2 gain the same civil achievement Americans had often conquered earlier in time. I realized in an unforgettable manner why empathy is so rooted within our culture.
The incoming celebration 4 the Italian Republic, on June, 2nd, was a challenging task, from a cultural point of view, since we commemorate the day when the Italian People voted 2 become a Republic -something that at this extent hasn’t even conceptually been existing in Italy since 20 centuries- while ending up the Monarchy that founded this Country in the modern age. I think we should always keep in mind this wide and open approach 2 our history, 2 give the proper perspective 2 choices we need 2 make, and 2 turn some irritation we can have about the way some things are handled nowadays into a positive boost 4 change.
Mixed news on the global stage: new political turmoil in the Mediterranean Sea and oil industry making some progress in the Gulf, until the resolving next step…
Climate change is more than something about pollution and green habits, in my opinion, I’m convinced information society will empower people 2 say what each of us thinks change has 2 be, and 2 support dreamers and leaders we believe can help us 2 deliver it: I hope most of us are empathetic, otherwise this “digital power spring” is doomed 2 be a path towards anarchy.
Well, this is all 4 this week, I guess
p.s.1: I appreciated President Obama’s interview on Larry King last night, some legislation making progress in Congress on financial regulation reforms (and drilling authorizations too), some legislation making progress in the Italian Parliament about glasnost & privacy, some other sports event, some intriguing story I met on facebook, and my first, rough attempts 2 get a bit more organized
p.s.2 : please consider this early release also as a test 4 a new bank-holiday plug-in
Facebook wing wow season launch

Follow up of my secret project number 3.
Last Sunday and part of Monday I enriched myFbPadTv with Movies and Music sections, filling them with a little selection of my favourite movies and albums when i was younger -they are still now- together with some new intriguing ones, where i can identify better part of my character. This activity is becoming more and more engaging and inspiring. It's intresting and fruitful, in my opinion, 2 build as much freely as possible on each other ideas, and have at some point some mutual checkpoint, made of comments, reward, critics. I'll keep this way
On same days, I kept enjoying victory of UEFA Champions Cup by Italian soccer team Inter, a deserved triumph emphasizing a great season; next year I hope my favourite soccer team, Juventus, will give me some more satisfaction. Moreover, I kept collecting great snapshots on myFlickr about amazing events I attended, I was thrilled by President Obama's speech at 2010 Graduation Cerimony @ West Point Academy, and by the whole event.
On Sunday night I posted live a suggestion 2 a RAI Tv program 2 upgrade its visual layout during switch-off phase 2 digital transmission, 2 make it look like UstreamTv 4 a better interactive experience on many devices. This option could fulfill the main objective of the European DVB-MHP Project -user interactivity- by a more up-to-date approach. More details will follow in incoming weeks.
After an amazing bike ride in the morning, on Monday afternoon I gathered some further news and info about the Gulf Cost oil spill, yet on going -it's a catastrophic event, on such a sensitive and populated area, I was terribly hurt by that- then I kept spreading posts the whole week: investigations are yet 2 be concluded, I support the thesis this was another severe failure of basic risk management policy. Too many times in the past we've seen critical activities within different industries as industry-specific risk or weakness, instead of approaching the whole problem of risk management -this approach should be adopted or strenghtened, in my opinion. Meanwhile -this is quite evident- I appreciate and praise the joint efforts on going 2 fight this human-made catastrophe and prevent further damages.
The Queen's Speech on Tuesday at the State Openning of UK Parliament was clear and loud, and the Cerimony really amazing. It depicts how tradition and innovation can join, if one spends some effort 2 achieve this objective. With regards 2 some continental anxiety about the alleged change of attitude towards Europe, I think a bit of British skepticism and taxpayers' penny-pinching about EU Institutions will be good 4 both, and help us both not 2 rely only on our traditions...
By the way, as a follow up of Las Vegas NAB, facebook f8, and Apple iPad, wednesday night I launched a draft proposal 2 make easier & cheaper & broader folks participation 2 incoming GNet-20 in Toronto. More details will follow
Wednesday: NASA Atlantis Crew preparations and training 4 next mission were very instructive and thrilling. As Commander Ham said in the news conference, wow can be a proper comment about the fulfilled mission. looking at ourselves, below&beyond, by outside, helps 2 link up heart 2 earth, future 2 present. i think WOW is appropriate comment about that little iss above, and its wonderful crews and my commitment on this is stainless (i'm IronMan, what's more...)
Long term planning: after Mayor Bloomberg commitment 2 bring SuperBowl 2 NewYork in 2014, i marked on my timespace agenda this further date with Drew&teammates (this is also a message 4 NOLA Saints administrators). we'll see sooner, i guess&wish
A lot of anxiety, yesterday, waiting news about the latest attempt 2 stop the spill; it seems working, but... I hope not 2 hear this phrase any more.
Better news on the economy frontline: Stocks jumped up after days of losses, we are pretty well-known in Australia, and, Mitch Dundee praised my sense of humor !
Finally, today : 1st Facebook Wing Report
Many thanks 2 the President 4 Housing this annoying guest day by day, i hope you'll appreciate this bit of tweak i made 2 the building...
p.s. incidentally, I've dealt with privacy&transparency issue too... glad 2 see that curiosity & relevance are progressively growing up, apart
p.s.2 if you like this new feature, feel free 2 show it someway or another... see you soon
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