Welcome 2 this second edition of this weekly newsletter, a raw commentary of my main activities during the week, and of the events which most impressed me. First, let me say the positive exploit of the pilot raw-text of this newsletter encouraged me 2 consider a more exhaustive format, which i’m planning 2 offer you late in the season.
For now, thanks 4 your hearty welcome and 4 keeping following this story. Let’s enjoy it.
Last week-end, I stressed my early passion 4 maths and science, going over some books and publications I read years ago, and an interesting scientific programme -made up in an exhilarant manner- that helps facing very harsh topic. As a positive relapse, when few days later I read on newspapers about new discovery on neutrinos and Standard Model, I suddenly caught what the hell they were talking about !
On Sunday, I attended the F1 race in Istanbul; great sport, teams, wonderful city, linking folks along time and space. Hamilton’s victory was amazing and deserved, Red Bull team was –let me say- hit by hard cheese. Very good feelings the whole day, then I went into depth in my historical background in the evening, 2 get ready 4 a challenging week.
On Monday, I attended Memorial Day celebration and the speech by Vice President Joe Biden, who praised and commemorated the sacrifices made by the American people 2 support other people willing 2 gain the same civil achievement Americans had often conquered earlier in time. I realized in an unforgettable manner why empathy is so rooted within our culture.
The incoming celebration 4 the Italian Republic, on June, 2nd, was a challenging task, from a cultural point of view, since we commemorate the day when the Italian People voted 2 become a Republic -something that at this extent hasn’t even conceptually been existing in Italy since 20 centuries- while ending up the Monarchy that founded this Country in the modern age. I think we should always keep in mind this wide and open approach 2 our history, 2 give the proper perspective 2 choices we need 2 make, and 2 turn some irritation we can have about the way some things are handled nowadays into a positive boost 4 change.
Mixed news on the global stage: new political turmoil in the Mediterranean Sea and oil industry making some progress in the Gulf, until the resolving next step…
Climate change is more than something about pollution and green habits, in my opinion, I’m convinced information society will empower people 2 say what each of us thinks change has 2 be, and 2 support dreamers and leaders we believe can help us 2 deliver it: I hope most of us are empathetic, otherwise this “digital power spring” is doomed 2 be a path towards anarchy.
Well, this is all 4 this week, I guess
p.s.1: I appreciated President Obama’s interview on Larry King last night, some legislation making progress in Congress on financial regulation reforms (and drilling authorizations too), some legislation making progress in the Italian Parliament about glasnost & privacy, some other sports event, some intriguing story I met on facebook, and my first, rough attempts 2 get a bit more organized
p.s.2 : please consider this early release also as a test 4 a new bank-holiday plug-in
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