Soccer is going glocal. FIFA World Cup in South Africa, the first ever in the continent, is a global event by definition and by numbers, and it’s likely 2 stay in history as the global event of the year, as many of the previous editions. When the on-going G8toG20 meeting was set up in Canada –by the way, I hope the Vancouver Olympic Spirit will inspire participants like it inspired me months ago- I guess period and schedule have been arranged taking into account the simultaneous peerless sport event -in terms of most media and people interest, at least. By the way, I think that if we need 2 be wooed a bit 2 follow G-meetings is not such a bad news. Public opinion is a watchdog and a source of inspiration 4 politics, but politics has 2 be attractive 2 be productive, rather than only fashionable. Let’s link up there 4 demanding outcomes.
As the World Cup is such an impressive event, so they are moments it entitles or condemns 2 live. I was shocked and disappointed seeing World Cup Defendant Italian Team knocked out. Bewildered 2 see former World Cup finalists already out of the competition. This is sport –like this or not- and now our glorious tradition has 2 lead itself back 2 the drawing board, 2 try 2 make it glorious again: I appreciated this is happening. At the same time, I was delighted 2 see England gaining the next phase and the USMNT winning their group and going forward, besides other heartily results like those ones. Only 4 a great empathy, love and admiration –to be clear. I don’t believe in any kind of ‘export’ of sports passions, but I do believe society has 2 do its best 2 offer the widest possible range of opportunities 2 its youth, without focusing only on what the majority at a time prefers, and this belief goes beyond sport.
In Italy, soccer is a very popular, beloved sport. We’ve one of the best Soccer Premier League in the world, and just 4 this reason, many great players have been attracted here from abroad. As club team fans, we feel a team tie with these guys who play here, offer us great emotions, all along the regular season. I guess most of us will keep sharing and supporting their walk in the next steps of the World Cup, where they are still running, dressed in many different colours. At the same time, 2 all those who have doubts on the significance and pride of national identity, whose sport is a component, I’m glad 2 suggest: have a look at any country, at this country, at folks, at national flags enlightening the landscape all around, at shirts and mood, and you’ll be answered.
Globalisation has made much more difficult 2 compete in any sport just 4 those countries where just that sport is more fantastic and rooted, and this too goes beyond sport. A plural, social identity empowers us 2 live and enjoy a variety of passions, turning potential conflict into synergy. A non-0-sum approach suggests us not 2 build walls 2 shield our national talents from our same, attractive, well-funded passions, but 2 explore ways 2 invest better on them, and take the advantages of such a straight competition. This is what glocalization means 4 me.
In my opinion, 21st century citizenship 4 truly sports lovers is already a reality we’re confidently accustomed in that habit. Let’s hope and work, wisely and steady, 2 have this kind of perception spread around as fast as this challenging, high-tech age is demanding, and as acceptable as it has 2 be preserved.
p.s. this week I’ve worked around the clock on the look&feel of my social networking. I’ve been dreaming 2 make mass media interactive 4 a long period, since the first time I was deployed at a DVB meeting by my former boss, 11 years ago… After that activity had generally lead 2 great cultural achievements but few realizations, I had no idea I could have found this way, but when I happened 2 go here, I wasn’t afraid 2 try and exploit my cultural background, and now I’m even more convinced 2 get forward. I hope you enjoy how the process and the outcome is taking shape.
p.s.2 this evening (06-25-2010, NdR) I’m joining 2 all those commemorating a great human being, that one year ago has lift 4 the ultimate journey.
This is the last issue of Facebook Wing published on this blog. The Facebook Wing edition is moved on Scribd; you can find the full collection of previous issues and the following ones @ Massimiliano Cane on Scribd
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