Follow up of my secret project number 3.
Last Sunday and part of Monday I enriched myFbPadTv with Movies and Music sections, filling them with a little selection of my favourite movies and albums when i was younger -they are still now- together with some new intriguing ones, where i can identify better part of my character. This activity is becoming more and more engaging and inspiring. It's intresting and fruitful, in my opinion, 2 build as much freely as possible on each other ideas, and have at some point some mutual checkpoint, made of comments, reward, critics. I'll keep this way
On same days, I kept enjoying victory of UEFA Champions Cup by Italian soccer team Inter, a deserved triumph emphasizing a great season; next year I hope my favourite soccer team, Juventus, will give me some more satisfaction. Moreover, I kept collecting great snapshots on myFlickr about amazing events I attended, I was thrilled by President Obama's speech at 2010 Graduation Cerimony @ West Point Academy, and by the whole event.
On Sunday night I posted live a suggestion 2 a RAI Tv program 2 upgrade its visual layout during switch-off phase 2 digital transmission, 2 make it look like UstreamTv 4 a better interactive experience on many devices. This option could fulfill the main objective of the European DVB-MHP Project -user interactivity- by a more up-to-date approach. More details will follow in incoming weeks.
After an amazing bike ride in the morning, on Monday afternoon I gathered some further news and info about the Gulf Cost oil spill, yet on going -it's a catastrophic event, on such a sensitive and populated area, I was terribly hurt by that- then I kept spreading posts the whole week: investigations are yet 2 be concluded, I support the thesis this was another severe failure of basic risk management policy. Too many times in the past we've seen critical activities within different industries as industry-specific risk or weakness, instead of approaching the whole problem of risk management -this approach should be adopted or strenghtened, in my opinion. Meanwhile -this is quite evident- I appreciate and praise the joint efforts on going 2 fight this human-made catastrophe and prevent further damages.
The Queen's Speech on Tuesday at the State Openning of UK Parliament was clear and loud, and the Cerimony really amazing. It depicts how tradition and innovation can join, if one spends some effort 2 achieve this objective. With regards 2 some continental anxiety about the alleged change of attitude towards Europe, I think a bit of British skepticism and taxpayers' penny-pinching about EU Institutions will be good 4 both, and help us both not 2 rely only on our traditions...
By the way, as a follow up of Las Vegas NAB, facebook f8, and Apple iPad, wednesday night I launched a draft proposal 2 make easier & cheaper & broader folks participation 2 incoming GNet-20 in Toronto. More details will follow
Wednesday: NASA Atlantis Crew preparations and training 4 next mission were very instructive and thrilling. As Commander Ham said in the news conference, wow can be a proper comment about the fulfilled mission. looking at ourselves, below&beyond, by outside, helps 2 link up heart 2 earth, future 2 present. i think WOW is appropriate comment about that little iss above, and its wonderful crews and my commitment on this is stainless (i'm IronMan, what's more...)
Long term planning: after Mayor Bloomberg commitment 2 bring SuperBowl 2 NewYork in 2014, i marked on my timespace agenda this further date with Drew&teammates (this is also a message 4 NOLA Saints administrators). we'll see sooner, i guess&wish
A lot of anxiety, yesterday, waiting news about the latest attempt 2 stop the spill; it seems working, but... I hope not 2 hear this phrase any more.
Better news on the economy frontline: Stocks jumped up after days of losses, we are pretty well-known in Australia, and, Mitch Dundee praised my sense of humor !
Finally, today : 1st Facebook Wing Report
Many thanks 2 the President 4 Housing this annoying guest day by day, i hope you'll appreciate this bit of tweak i made 2 the building...
p.s. incidentally, I've dealt with privacy&transparency issue too... glad 2 see that curiosity & relevance are progressively growing up, apart
p.s.2 if you like this new feature, feel free 2 show it someway or another... see you soon
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